Christmas Play Ticket Arrangements 2022

30th November 2022

30th November 2022


Dear Parents and Carers,

We are so excited to share our Christmas performances with you this year! The children and staff have been working tirelessly rehearsing and I know you will have also been working hard to help your child learn lines and songs at home! It’s great to be able to host Christmas performances ‘in person’ for the first time since 2019! This letter gives you all of the key information you need about our performances and ticket arrangements. Please note, our school hall has strict fire capacity limits that we must stick to, and admission will be ticket only for all performances.

Christmas Performance Dates and Times:


Date of performances

Time performances begin (doors open 20 minutes before)

Early Years
(Nursery & Reception)

Monday 19th December


Middle Years

(Years 1, 2, 3)

Tuesday 20th December


Upper Years

(Years 4, 5, 6)

Wednesday 21st December


Christmas Performance Tickets:

Tickets will be limited to two tickets per child for one of their performances. Any tickets left over, will then be made available on general release on Tuesday 13th December.

Tickets are free of charge and can be collected at the following times, in person from the DINING HALL (Top Building):

Between 8:30am – 9:00am on Wednesday 7th December

Between 2:45pm – 3:30pm on Wednesday 7th December

Between 8:30am – 9:00am on Friday 9th December

Between 1:45pm and 2:30pm/3:00pm and 3:30pm on Friday 9th December

If you are unable to collect in person at those times because of work commitments, please email no later than Wednesday 7th December stating your child/ren’s name, if you would like 1 or 2 tickets any if you would prefer the 9:30am or 1:30pm performance.

We will do our best to accommodate morning or afternoon requests, but cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet all requests dependent upon demand. 

Any tickets left over, can be collected on ‘general release’ on Tuesday 13th December between 8:30am – 9:00am and 2:45pm – 3:30pm from the Dining Hall (Top Building).

On the day of the performance:

-  Doors will open 20 minutes before the performance starts (9:10am for morning performances, 1:10pm for afternoon performances) – please enter through the main entrance on Sugley Street.

-  You will have an allocated seat on your ticket which you must sit in. All seats will be labelled.

-  There will be a 50/50 Prize Draw at each performance for £1 per ticket. One ticket will win 50% of the money taken for the draw. There will also be additional prizes at each performance to be won. All profits made, go towards school funds.

-  For afternoon performances, children can go home after the performance if you wish to take them, but we ask that you allow them to change out of any costumes before they leave.

-  Remember, our children have worked incredibly hard to put together their Christmas shows. We ask that audience members don’t chat throughout performances and give the children a huge round of applause after each song to encourage them! Whilst pre-school children are welcome, we politely ask that any unsettled children are taken out of the performance hall during the show. Please note, we will have no storage room for push-chairs to maximise the number of people who can attend the performances. If you have any access requirements, please let us know in advance.

Thank you for your ongoing support – we look forward to seeing you in school over the festive period!